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About us

3.测出地面水平位置(定出平开门与无下 轨大折叠门吊脚高度)

1.推拉门的边框多为金属材料,日常清 洁时用干的纯棉抹布擦拭即可。若用水 清洁,应该尽量拧干抹布,以免金属表 面损坏,影响美观;
2.推拉门门板多为玻璃或高密度板。对 于玻璃门板,平日经常用干抹布擦拭即 可,每隔一段时间,用稀释过的中性洗 涤剂或玻璃专用洗涤剂,然后用干的纯 棉、不掉毛的抹布擦干;对于高密度板, 不宜用一


首页 > 关于我们 > 发展历程

索宾克全球定制专家,从家居、建材、建筑,设计为最初理念,满足客户量身设计、个性奢侈定制,索宾克对于住宅家居,从没有放弃过定制完美的标准、甚至更高。索宾克用最简洁的设计去打造,材质、五金配件、外观、产品性能结构,给予完美整合订制,并非传统意义上的豪华与昂贵,而是指整合订制 设计本身表现出的华丽奢华的订制产品。索宾克订制可以舒适、可以实用、可以贴进生活、可以悠闲自在、也可以芳华自如、自由自在

Sobink global customization experts, from home, building materials, architecture, design as the first reason
To satisfy the customer's personal design, the personality luxury custom, the cable bin has never given up the standard, or even higher, for the home home. Sobink uses the most concise design to create materials, hardware accessories, appearance and product performance structure, giving perfect integration and customization, rather than luxury and expensive in traditional sense, but refers to integrating luxurious customized products displayed in the customized design. Sobink can be comfortable and practical, can be customized can be close to life, and can also be freely and leisurely and carefree carefree youth
Your needs - Sobink just has